Good Day To All!
This has been a great year for the AFSG Club with some major achievements. Our Veterans Event Fundraiser was successful and the Veterans Monument is finally a reality! Please read the information below.
Letter to Donor, Volunteers and Members
Only because of your support, our 13th Annual Veterans Event was a great success! This years event raised $56,000 which meant that each of our 4 supported Foundations originally received $14,000!
However, there is more to the story! Total donations over the past 13 years of our event “were” $796,400 until we received an anonymous check for $3,000! With the help of our Board Members, we raised another $600 which puts our total donation at $800,000!! So each foundation has now received $14,900! A big Thank You to our anonymous donor not just for the donation but also for the vote of confidence in our AFSG Club mission of helping our Veterans and their families. Could a $1,000,000 be in reach? Just saying!
These statistics continue to amaze me. Every raffle ticket you sold, every raffle donation you collected and every event donor you recruited or donation you have made has directly contributed to this great story. This has been an amazing team effort and I cannot thank you enough for your contributions. There is no way to measure the tremendous positive impact you have made on so many Veterans and their families!
Thank you for your time and help to raise awareness of the many needs our Veterans continue to have.
Veteran Monument Dedication
I would like to ask if any of you (our AFSG membership) would like to act as ushers or help to pass out programs at this event?
You can wear your AFSG shirt (red, white or blue)/hats/ or membership pin. It would be great opportunity to show our Club and be part of a special event at the same time! Please let me know ASAP via e-mail or phone 623-398-5242.
Final Veterans Coffee Chat
Tuesday, may 9, 2023, 8 AM
Palms Room, Sonoran Plaza
No official program on our final Coffee Chat of the 2023 season. Just join us for a coffee, donut and Veteran conversations! We will also take a walk down to your Veterans Monument!
On a final note as summer rapidly approaches, please travel safe and remember………
“We shall never forget”
We look forward to your participation in the Fall.
Sincerely, Barry Curseaden, Pres./Founder SCG Armed Forces Support Group